Eclipse Reading

During eclipse season, I provide short readings for clients who are wondering if one or more of the year’s eclipses could have an effect on them.

If you find that the eclipsed Sun or the eclipsed Moon are tightly conjunct or opposite your natal Ascendant, midheaven, or tightly conjunct/opposite any of the seven natal planets in your birth chart, you should consider to book an Eclipse reading.

One of the most striking examples in history may be suitable to highlight the importance of Eclipses.

The natal Sun, opposed by the eclipsed Moon is located in the 4th house, darkening the king’s life force and casting a shadow over his ancestral home. We know that only less than 2 months later, on 30th January 1649, King Charles I was executed in front of the Banqueting House which Inigo Jones had built for him.

My fee for this reading is £40.- (appr. $51.-)

To get more detailed information, or to book a reading, interested readers may contact me via the CONTACT PAGE or send an email to