Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017

On 26 February 2017, at 14:58UT, there will be an annular solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible in its totality in southern South America, across the Atlantic, and into southern Africa. The partial eclipse will be visible in southern South America, and south-west Africa. This eclipse is one of Saros Series 140. It has a duration of 5 hours and 26 minutes. The map below shows the visibility of the eclipse (time observed is UT):


The astrological chart, cast for Washington , also shows the event:


Before we will discuss any possible effects on the individual, we should have a look at the mundane astrological implications of this eclipse. To be able to do this, we have to establish where the eclipse is likely to have its greatest effect. For this purpose we need to find out which countries or cities fall under the rulership of Pisces, the sign wherein the conjunction between Sun and Moon takes place. We also have to take into consideration that the eclipse’s visibility will greatly enhance its effect.

Looking through traditional source material, we find that  Egypt with Alexandria in particular, Italy, with emphasis on Sicily, Calabria, Spain with Compostela and Seville, Asia Minor (Turkey and Armenia), France, with emphasis on the Normandy and Rheims, Portugal, and Germany, with emphasis on Ratisbone, are the locations that could be most affected by this solar eclipse.

Due to the angularity, Canada, Brazil and the United States of America (particularly Washington State) may be affected also.

Jupiter is the planet ruling this eclipse. At the time of the eclipse, he will be located in Libra. He is retrograde, which adds a certain degree of debilitation. It is also noteworthy that he is conjunct fixed star Spica. Robson knows that when Spica is with Jupiter we may expect:

“Popular, social success, wealth, ecclesiastical honor and preferment”.*

Spica is also the determinant star of the 14th manzil, Al Simak, The Unarmed. This Lunar Mansion causes marital love, cures the sick, helps sailors but hinders journeys by land.

We also find that this eclipse, located in the first decanate of Pisces, is ruled by Saturn, indicating that:

“it drains the Rivers of their waters, unfortunates the Sea coast, and drives fishes far from shore.”

as William Lilly writes in his Annus Tenebrous. The additional eclipse rulership of Saturn,  together with Spica resonates with Diana Rosenberg’s conclusions. She writes that:

” […] the bright stars of the peace-loving virgin […] illuminate dark places in the soul of humanity [like] disasters caused by recklessness, carelessness, confusion and/or weather conditions”. **


It is useful to know that the last time a solar eclipse occurred in 8* Pisces was in 1998. It may be of merit to expect and prepare for a repeat of some of the personal experiences that occurred  back in 1998.  Although an eclipse usually affects only a small number of people, it may be beneficial to try to remember if any problems occurred during this year. If so, but also to generally establish the possibility of any effect that could take place, the birth chart should be scrutinised for any of the following:

Sun or Moon are in or around 8 Pisces
Sun or Moon are in or around 8 Virgo (opposition)

Sun or Moon are in or around 8 Sagittarius or Gemini (square)
8 Pisces is culminating in the birth chart (conjunct Midheaven)
8 Pisces is ascending in the birth chart (conjunct Ascendant)
Should it be the case that one or even more of these factors apply, an in-depth reading of the birth chart may be necessary to find out if, how and to what extent the native could be affected.

* Robson, Vivian, The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology, Astrology Classics, 2005

**Diana K. Rosenberg, Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Ancient Skies Press, NY 2012

Solar Eclipse 03 November 2013

On 03 November 2013 at 12:59:48 UT, there will be an annular solar eclipse. The Sun and the Moon will be conjunct in 11:16 Scorpio. Astronomical information about this eclipse, according to Wikipedia:

[This eclipse] is a hybrid eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.0159. Totality will be visible from the northern Atlantic Ocean (east of Florida) to Africa (Gabon (landfall), R. Congo, DR Congo, Uganda), with the maximum of 1 minutes 39 seconds visible from the Atlantic Ocean south of Ivory Coast and Ghana.

It is a part of Saros cycle 143, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, containing 72 events. The series started with partial solar eclipse on March 7, 1617.

The map below shows visibility and timing of the eclipse (time = UT):

November 2013 Solar Eclipse visibility

The astrological chart, cast for Washington, shows the event:

Solar Eclipse 3 November 2013 Washington

In his Annus Tenebrosus, or the Dark Year, the famous 17th century astrologer William Lilly presents a method of eclipse delineation, including an interpretation of the effects of solar and lunar eclipses, occurring in each decanate of the Zodiac. As this solar eclipse takes place in the second decanate of Scorpio, Lilly’s aphorism is as follows:

“it argues destruction to some certain king or person of worth and declares his mind averse to armies or wars”.

If we have a look at the eclipse’s path of angularity, we can see the following:

Solar Eclipse 03 November angularity

(click on map to enlarge)

The map above shows that the solar eclipse will be of quite immediate importance for the United States of America and for Mexico. The eclipse point will be in the second decanate of Scorpio, suggesting Mars and the Sun to be the eclipse rulers. Mars is strong in accidental dignity, being direct, swift, oriental and free of sunbeams. Looking at William Lilly’s prediction in Annus Tenebrosus, we find that the eclipse “argues destruction to some certain king or person of worth and declares his mind averse to armies or wars”. Mars is sextile the eclipse point and in the chart cast for Washington, displayed above, he is in the 10th house. Mundane astrology traditionally associates the 10th house with kings and rulers. In our times this obviously has to be adapted to signify the President of the United States.

In the chart, Mars is also conjunct the fixed star Zosma, ‘the girdle of the lion’, associated with selfishness, immorality and a tendency to calculatingly use other people. Lilly writes that Mars as eclipse ruler may “stir up wars, tumults and imprisonments”. He also causes kings and princes (the ruling elite) to commit acts of “tyranny, violence, injuries and injustice”. It may also cause violent storms at sea and “denote sudden and violent shipwrecks, by reason of inordinate blasts”. There is as well the possibility of the scarcity of grains and “all such things as produced out of the earth”.

We have already seen in the Libra ingress chart for the US, shown below,  (for more details, see my bog post about the possibility of US – lead airstrikes against Syria, here) that after 22 September, there is a heightened possibility of military action lead by the US. We also found though, that the public is strongly opposed to such a move, which may greatly influence the decisions made by the government. Looking at the information we gathered via the interpretation of the upcoming solar eclipse, it seems that the themes of conflict and warfare will still be very much at the forefront of the government’s agendas and plans.

Libra ingress 2013 Washington

We also notice that, in the eclipse chart, Mars is in mutual reception with Mercury by sign rulership. Mercury, located in the 12th house, is retrograde and combust. Mundanely speaking, the 12th house is associated with secret enemies of the country and spies. In the case of this solar eclipse, we are looking at potential problems with trade, commerce, but also ambassadors and secret enemies of the state.


For readers, interested in the personal implications of this eclipse, it might be of interest what William Lilly has to say:

“… Eclipse is more dangerous or pernitious which shall be in the Horoscope or Ascendant of the birth; or which shall be in the degree Ascending in an Annuall Revolution: it portends unto the Native some ominous and mischievous action as unto his body and also in his vital substance.”

And further on:

“… who had in the Radix of his Nativity either the Sun or the Moon in that degree, or in the degree opposite … or in the like degrees … which signs are in Quadrate aspects to the former, or if the degree Culminating in any man’s Nativity was either [the degree of the eclipse or its opposite or square] or within one degree thereof, the native did suffer more or less by the influence of this Eclips; according to the signification of the House of Heaven, wherein the Sun or the Moon was in at the Birth, and was either well fortified or aspected of the benevolent Planets, or ill aspected, or afflicted of the Malevolents.”

For this particular Solar eclipse that means that people with Scorpio rising, either in their birth chart or in their solar return chart for 2013/14, will feel the influence stronger than others. Furthermore it should be noted if Sun or Moon are closely conjunct the Ascendant, Descendant or Midheaven. Should it be the case that one or even more of these factors apply, an in-depth reading of the native’s charts may be necessary to find out which particular areas of life are likely to be affected the most.

Solar Eclipse 10 May 2013

On 10 May 2013 there will be an annular solar eclipse. The Sun and the Moon will be in 19° 31’ Taurus. Astronomical information about this eclipse can be found here:*

10 May Solar Eclipse

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

The astrological chart below, cast for New Delhi, shows the event.

10 May 2013 Solar Eclipse New Delhi

In his Annus Tenebrosus, or the Dark Year, the famous 17th century astrologer William Lilly presents a method of eclipse delineation, including an interpretation of the effects of solar and lunar eclipses, occurring in each decanate of the Zodiac. As this solar eclipse takes place in the second decanate of Taurus, Lilly’s aphorism is as follows:

“it shows innumerable difficulties and many discommodities to Travellers, and to such as bear children many abortions …”

The  Lady of the eclipse is Venus and the ruler of the second decanate of Taurus is the Moon. Venus is peregrine and under the sunbeams, indicating that she is not in particularly great shape at the moment. Nevertheless, Lilly describes Venus being the ruler of an eclipse to be

“the fore-runner of a quiet peacable time upon earth”

I would propose that the general theme of this solar eclipse is the renewed effort of women to make their voices heard, highlighting their struggle towards equality and independence.

Venus is conjunct the fixed star Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades. Since time immemorial the Pleiades have been associated with occurrences or agendas which make people weep. Often a great struggle is connected with the conjunction of a planet to the Pleiades, and according to Diana Rosenberg’s Secrets of the Ancient Skies:

“there are usually many journeys, and there may be exile, banishment, alienation, evacuation or imprisonment … [but] Eridanus, the Great River, washes away the tears of the past, clearing the way for a bright new future.” (p 214f)

Having a closer look at the Moon, who, according to Lilly, signifies “all common people” but “especially all manner of women”, we notice that she is essentially dignified by exaltation, triplicity and face. Due to the nature of a solar eclipse, the Moon is cazimi (precisely conjunct the Sun, which is highly beneficial) and also eclipses the Sun. This can be interpreted as a highly symbolic gesture, indicating a push towards positive change to unfold.

If we have a look at the eclipse’s path of angularity, we can see the following:

10 May 2013 Solar Eclipse map 1

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)

We can see from the map, that the line of angularity runs through Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. In all of these countries, women experience problems regarding freedom of speech, restriction of education, matters of equality, and so forth. It seems though that the upcoming solar eclipse could indicate a change for the better. As an example of  the possible events that may be occurring, this article and video clip about Afghans marching for women’s rights on Valentine’s day 2013, may suffice:

One Billion Rising


As for the USA, the map of angularity clearly shows that the line of conjunction between the eclipse point and the Descendant runs through parts of the United States. This suggests that the agenda of women’s rights in general and questions about  the relations between the USA and countries with issues concerning the discrimination of women will become of importance by the end of 2013.

10 May 2013 Solar Eclipse map 2

(click on thumbnail to enlarge)


For readers, interested in the personal implications of this eclipse, it might be of interest what William Lilly has to say:

“… Eclipse is more dangerous or pernitious which shall be in the Horoscope or Ascendant of the birth; or which shall be in the degree Ascending in an Annuall Revolution: it portends unto the Native some ominous and mischievous action as unto his body and also in his vital substance.”

And further on:

“… who had in the Radix of his Nativity either the Sun or the Moon in that degree, or in the degree opposite … or in the like degrees … which signs are in Quadrate aspects to the former, or if the degree Culminating in any man’s Nativity was either [the degree of the eclipse or its opposite or square] or within one degree thereof, the native did suffer more or less by the influence of this Eclips; according to the signification of the House of Heaven, wherein the Sun or the Moon was in at the Birth, and was either well fortified or aspected of the benevolent Planets, or ill aspected, or afflicted of the Malevolents.”

For this particular Solar eclipse that means that people with Taurus or Scorpio rising, either in their birth chart or in their solar return chart for 2012/13, will feel the influence stronger than others. Furthermore it should be noted if Sun or Moon are closely conjunct the Ascendant, Descendant or Midheaven. Should it be the case that one or even more of these factors apply, an in-depth reading of the native’s charts may be necessary to find out which particular areas of life are likely to be affected the most.
