Rensberger’s Aspects in Nativities

In the following web log entries, I will be re-visiting Astronomia Teutsch, the astrological primer of the German mathematician and astrologer Nicolaus Rensberger. His  textbook was first printed in the vernacular in Augsburg, 1569. I posted my translation of Rensberger’s view on profections back in 2009 (Rensberger’s Profections); this time I will publish my translation of his natal aspect interpretations. For ease of access, I have split it into sections, which can be found by following the appropriate links:

Rensberger’s Natal Aspects – Conjunctions

Rensberger’s Natal Aspects -Squares

Rensberger’s Natal Aspects -Trines

Rensberger’s Natal Aspects -Oppositions

astrnomia teutsch

2 thoughts on “Rensberger’s Aspects in Nativities

  1. Thank you ever so much Peter for thinking of me. I have read the separate sections you e-mailed; I go bit confused with regard to Saturn or Jupiter to the right or to the left………… yet articles are interesting and very enlightening. You’ve done quite some job; my most deserved congratulations !

    Lv + light,


    • You’re very welcome, Nohemi.

      As for left and right, I agree that it sounds confusing. Rensberger is referring to the so called “sinister” and “dexter” aspects. For example, if a planet is placed in Aries, its square to a planet in Capricorn is called a dexter aspect (‘dexter’ = right) and its square to a planet in Cancer is called sinister (‘sinister’ = left). In other words, dexter aspects are formed against the order of the astrological signs and sinister aspects are formed in the order of the astrological signs.

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